What is a COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster)?
Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COADs), an emergency management term, are local (neighborhood, town, county, or state region) disaster coalitions that coordinate nonprofit efforts within an emergency management jurisdiction within each State or U.S. Territory – vs. statewide coordination and resources provided by the state or territory VOAD. A strong COAD is essential to a locally managed response and long-term recovery.
In New York, county and regional COADs are chartered by New York VOAD and coordinated in partnership with County Emergency Managers – they received technical assistance from NYVOAD as well as by the voluntary agency liaisons at both the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services and FEMA Region 2. Currently, 46 counties have a COAD. All COADs are required to adhere to the National VOAD Points of Consensus & Guidelines related to ESF6 (Emergency Support Function 6 – Mass Care and Human Services).
Following the VOAD movement’s 4Cs (Cooperation, Communication, Coordination, and Collaboration) NYVOAD and our County and local COADs work together to prepared for and respond to disasters and public health emergencies to ensure that unmet needs are addressed sustainably, and to share knowledge and resources with impacted and/or hazard vulnerable communities.
NYVOAD COAD Map as of 06/25/2024